I’d love to share a personal experience here, Jordan.
I’ve always been afraid of asking for help or even for what I’m due. So I began the practice of asking one tiny thing from a stranger when possible. Can I take this chair? Can I borrow your pen? It took (and still takes) courage on my part.
A few weeks ago at the supermarket, I had just 2 items in my cart, and was the second in line. So I thought I’d ask the person in front if he would allow me to go ahead. But he was old, and had a full cart.
So instead of making it about myself, I let him check out ahead of me. And after I checked out, I asked if I could help him carry his 4 heavy bags to his car since he was alone. He agreed reluctantly.
So I carried 3 bags to his car (which was about 100 meters away). He offered to drop me home but I was going in a different direction, so I politely declined. But while walking back home, I had this rush of fulfillment flood me. And I realized that what I did wasn’t just for him, but for myself as well.
We don’t do others a “favor” when we’re kind to them. We do ourselves a favor. And there alone lies the reward.