This Is All You Need To Be Happy

A powerful lesson from an old mythical tale.

Vishal Kataria
5 min readDec 19, 2020
how to learn to be happy by yourself
Photo by Adrià Crehuet Cano on Unsplash

A poor man badly wanted money. He heard that if he could get hold of a ghost, he could command him to bring money or anything else he liked. So he went searching for a man who could give him a ghost.

At last, he found a sage with great powers and sought his help. The sage asked the man what he would do with a ghost.

“I will make it work for me. Teach me how to get one, sir. I desire it very much,” he replied.

“Don’t bother, go home,” the sage said.

The next day, the poor man returned to the sage. He wept and begged, “Give me a ghost. I must have a ghost to help me, sir.” The sage felt disgusted and gave in.

“Take this charm, repeat this magic word, and a ghost will come. Whatever you say, he will do. But beware, they are terrible things and must be kept continually busy. If you fail to give him work, he will take your life.”

“That is easy, I can make him work his entire life,” the man replied. He went into a forest, and after long repetitions of the magic word, a huge ghost appeared before him. “I have been conquered by your magic, but you must keep me constantly employed,” it said. “The moment you fail to give me work I’ll kill you.”



Vishal Kataria

I write to teach myself and hit “Publish” when I think it might help you.